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Ahmedabad Sabha

Visit us at our divine Bhagwat Sabha in auspicious presence of Pandit Kashinath Mishra Ji at Surat. 18th to 24rd April, 2023

Surat Sabha

Visit us at our divine Bhagwat Sabha in auspicious presence of Pandit Kashinath Mishra Ji at Surat. 22th to 28rd May, 2023

Join live Google Meet satsang

by Pandit Kashinath Mishra Ji

All devotees are welcome to join the live Google Meet satsang
Time – Every Thursday and Sunday 9:30 – 10:30 PM

Whenever there is decline of righteousness, O! Arjuna, I manifest Myself in a body form. I incarnate in every age (yug) to protect the righteous and establish “Dharma”

Has Kalki avatar of Lord Maha Vishnu taken birth?

Get ready for the new world of truth, peace, mercy and forgiveness.

Whenever humanity and moral values disappear on the earth, Dharma seems to be weaker under the power of barbarism and cruelty, whenever there is threat to survival of humankind, Lord Vishnu takes incarnation to destroy adharm, protect His devotees and re-establish peace & dharma . As per Bhagavad Mahapuran, Lord Vishnu will take incarnation as Kalki Avatar at the end of Kaliyug. As per Bhavishya Malika Scripture written 600 years ago by five Saints (Pancha Sakha) with the grace of Lord Jagannath, the Kaliyug will end after it completes 5000 years of age. As per the divine Malika Scripture the world is presently running through the Conjunction Yuga(Anantha Yuga) that arises between the end of Kaliyug and the beginning of Satya Yuga which also called Aadya Satya Yuga. Devotees from Satya, Treyta and Dwapar Yuga will take birth at the evening of Kaliyug to serve Kalki Vishnu and contribute their efforts for establishing the new Satya Yuga & Satya Sanatana Dharma.

Latest Video by Pandit Kashinath Mishra on Sanskriti Channel

Bhavishya Maalika



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Tri Sandhya

Bhagwat Mahapuran